Compost preparation - One material, many applications
The composting of biogenic residues, such as biowaste or green waste, produces a high-quality, natural humus fertilizer as well as a renewable fuel for energy use
Composting distinguishes two cycles: biowaste composting and green waste composting
Depending on the nature of the material and the recycling situation, the treatment process can be adapted to the requirements of our customers.
The green waste processing
The aim of composting is to convert biogenic waste, such as biowaste or green waste, into a high-quality soil conditioner for agriculture, horticulture and soil production. One of the by-products is a renewable fuel for energy use. In today's world, new legal requirements are increasing the demands on the quality of the products produced and thus the demands on composting.
ALLRECO offers you the tailor-made solutions for this, without depriving you of the flexibility for the changing tasks of the future. The machine combinations used for compost processing can vary greatly. There are basically two different applications: biowaste composting and green waste composting.

Materials for green waste processing
• Waste from landscape maintenance
• Waste from horticulture
• Waste from agriculture