ALLRECO Future Prize goes nationwide to school

We are at work almost 365 days a year to make our planet's resources usable again through efficient recycling technologies, innovative ideas and fully thought-out recycling solutions. Because: sustainability and climate protection are the most important issues of our time and the more we do our bit, the better for our environment and our future. For this reason, we have created the ALLRECO Future Prize - to inspire young people at school to use valuable resources consciously.
Clear the way for ‘UPCYCLING HEROES 2025!’
With the ALLRECO Future Prize, we are now honouring three schools nationwide every year for their sustainable and climate-friendly commitment. They can win up to €3,000. This year's first competition is called ‘Upcycling Heroes 2025!’. It challenges students to use their creativity to create something ‘new’ from something ‘old’. In other words, to give objects that are no longer needed a new function instead of throwing them in the bin. The award ceremony will take place in May 2025 and the winners will be selected by an expert jury.
We look forward to many exciting upcycling creations and to making an additional contribution to greater sustainability in our society with the ALLRECO Future Prize. You can find more information at: